Songs and chants without words - Allows exclusive focus on the music.
Songs and chants with words - Provides variety in tonality and style.
Songs in a variety of tonalities - In addition to traditional songs in Major and Minor tonalities, your child will hear songs in Phrygian, Lydian, Locrian and Dorian. This allows a broader listening vocabulary and will allow more 'in-tune' singing for Major and Minor.
Tonal and Rhythm Patterns - Tonal and Rhythm Patterns are to music what words are to a sentence. When children hear musical tones and rhythms in groups of three, they hear the music’s syntax and build their music vocabulary. Tonal and rhythm patterns are the part, while the entire song is the whole.
Resting Tone - Emphasis is given to the resting tone or 'home' of the song in order to develop musical syntax. It also encourages the children to audiate, or think, the pitch which is crucial to musicianship.
Movement - Modeled by teacher and encouraged in children to feel the time between beats.
Silence - Used to give children time to think the music in their minds.